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"Rope Skipping" is a well known sport. You must had seen girls skipping Rope in childhood and may be you have also attempted to same.
''Rope Skipping'' is not a joke and not as simple as most of the people think. Skipping went out of fashion because video games and Play Stations came along, but interesting fact is that teachers, parents and even Doctors are now pushing to bring back. Heart Foundations and Health Ministries across the world are adopting Rope Skipping to keep their citizens healthy because of low cost alternate for urban as well as rural areas.
Once considered childish, this ancient playtime skill is making a comeback. And what's emerging is not just an effective route to mass fitness for little outlay (Rs.80/- buys a decent rope), but a new place for India's young athletes in a growing international sport that's intriguing to watch.
You will be surprised to know that 10 minutes of Rope Skipping is equal to 30 minutes of jogging. You don't need to spend hours on fitness and you can jump rope anywhere and no special equipment is required. An interesting thought for those of us with hectic lifestyles that use the excuse that we can't find time to exercise!
Rope Skipping is a low-cost, indoor activity that requires little equipment and space with no special attire. The variety of movement combinations is unlimited, offering opportunities to express creativity and individuality. Rope Skipping improves fine coordination agility and fluidity of movement, flexibility and lateral movement. It also improves the sense of rhythm, speed, power, timing and balance. The rapid progression and improvement often experienced with skipping/jumping rope may help enhance self-esteem and body image. Rope Skipping also promotes social aspects. Especially Double Dutch and freestyle encourage team spirit.
There are however, also enough possibilities for less acrobatically sportsmen and women. Rope Skipping is not only a lot of fun, but also good for your health. Your heart circulation system becomes stronger and your condition improves. Hence, considered a very good cardio vascular exercise. One of the best exercises to counteract osteoporosis (weakening of bone) during the later stage in life.
Participate in Interschool, District, State, National & International tournaments recognized by the Federations.
Participation in training camps on State, National & International level in which they will get guidance from National & International experts.
The health benefits obtain from a small amount of cardiovascular exercise each week is well established. Moderate to low intensity activities done as little as 30 minutes a day can bring benefits. Such activities include walking, gardening, housework, and stair climbing. More vigorous aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, cycling and skipping done for a minimum of 30 minutes at least 3 times a week are much more beneficial for improving the fitness of the heart and lungs. Studies show this type of exercise will help reduce the risk of heart disease, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Exercise also reduces the risk of non-insulin dependent diabetes, colon cancer, depression and anxiety. As well as help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight.
So, why should you choose skipping over any other form of aerobic exercise? Skipping will, like other exercise improve your heart rate and blood pressure, promote fat loss, improve flexibility, co-ordination and balance and improve muscle tone particularly in the thighs, buttocks, calves. As skipping is a high impact exercise it is also particularly beneficial in maintain / improving bone density which in turn can help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in latter life. As it improves balance and co-ordination in can help reduce the risk of falls.
It has also been stated that 10 minutes of skipping has the same health benefits as a 30-minute hard run. An interesting thought for those of us with hectic lifestyles that use the excuse that we can't find time to exercise! A Research carried out, found that skipping burns more calories than jogging and football. It is portable and convenient as it can be done anywhere and be performed at all levels. Beginners can mix shorter bouts of skipping with longer periods of lower-impact/intensity exercise such as marching in place, step-ups etc or strengthening exercises such as sit-ups, press-ups etc.